Monday, April 23, 2012

New GMATPrep Test 2: 670, Q 47, V 35, IR: 7

Needless to say, a 530 in my first prep test was a big bummer. I felt miserable. Surely, I am capable of a higher baseline score. Hence the second attempt. This time I decided to attempt  the 2nd GMAT PREP test. I know experts believe that attempting the GMAT PREP test questions once too many times  is a waste of actual GMAT questions but I felt it would be good to give it one more shot before I start my prep. Here are my results.

670, Q - 47, V 35, IR - 7 ( I didn't attempt the AWA section.)

Here are the screen shots.

As you can see the scores are different. I wouldn't go to the extend and say that the scores have improved. There was no extra preparation involved before I attempted the 2nd test as opposed to the first. My take on the 2nd test:

Quant: I felt the 2nd second test was definitely easier than the first. I could have done better had I remembered certain concepts related to word problems and geometry.
Verbal: The verbal section was not very different from the 1st test. I just lucked out on this one. I answer the questions based on gut feel and how it felt on the ear. Lesson Learnt: I need to move away from depending on certain body parts to pure concept and practice based science. :)
IR: I was very disappointed to see test 1 set of questions repeating in test 2 although the questions were ordered differently. The IR questions are not adaptive. I think GMAC should have included 12 new questions in the 2nd test as well. This was obviously a big disappointment. There was another curious aspect of the IR section. In the first test I answered 9 correct out of 12 and was given a score of 1. This time I answered 7 correct out of the same set of 12 questions. I got a score of 7. I would like to attribute the IR score fallacies to a bug in the software, even though I downloaded the latest version after the bug was supposedly fixed.

I know that a baseline score of 670 as opposed to 530 is nothing to rejoice about. This just shows how a little mental preperation, familiarity of concepts and GMAT type questions, time management and a little bit of luck can attribute to a better score. This shows that my current level of preperation leaves a lot to be desired. After giving the test, I spent a good 7 days understanding the gmat question types and reading through great debriefs on and I am now ready to get started. I would like to leave you all with a quote from Nelson Mandela. This quote has been the driving force behind everything I have achieved and hoping to achieve in my life. Hope this will be of some inspiration to all of you. Good luck with your prep.


chris said...

hi!you got a lot of numbers in your test,that's actually a great performance.i really appreciate your efforts and hardwork for your GMAT test.i'm glad that i came across such a lovely blog!its been a pleasure surfing on your blog!you got a lot of useful information which will be helpful for me in my test.

GMAT prep

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